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 Cognitive Reconstruction


Identification: Unhelpful automatic thoughts is an irrational thinking mode. When you have identified that you have been using one of these thinking modes, you have already taken the first step to regulate your thoughts. Whenever you find yourself having an urge of this irrational thought again, you will be able to be aware of it promptly, “Here comes the unhelpful thought!”


Reflection: Try to think about how these unhelpful thoughts affecting your feelings and behaviours.


Self-confrontation: Try to discuss about your thoughts with yourself if there were any evidence that can support your thoughts; or showing that your thoughts are not based on fact and are untrue.


New perspectives: Replace your previous irrational thoughts with a new perspective. Try to challenge your irrational thoughts: Change your behaviour by turning those negative judgements or statements into more neutral and constructive ones.



  • Irrational auto-thought: "I have to work like a slave every day. I have no freedom."

  • Neutral and constructive thought:  "I choose to be responsible for my job every day. I have freedom to decide when and what to do."

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